
IEP Review

In order to first gain familiarity with student support plans one must dive in and review a plan that has been put into place. This presentation provides an opportunity to do just that by examining the components of an IEP. More specifically, by reviewing an established IEP we will highlight and expound upon how the necessary elements of the plan come together to provide a comprehensive plan that will allow all stakeholders to meet the needs of a child with a specific disability. Please click on the link below to see our presentation from our masters program Presentation Link


 Resume: Please click to view my resume.

Reflection & Review

Reflection & Review First of all, my biggest take away so far is the importance of adapting all the terminology and research we go over into a pragmatic an accessible manner.  For instance, I think creating a poster on strategies for differentiation , accommodations , and modifications with a nice list of strategies for each in a visually appealing and quickly accessible format would be a great resource for my students as well as myself.  In my own case, if there is a weakness I possess, it is not in comprehending the education strategies and concepts I learn, but in maintaining them in my long-term memory and being able to employ them in my day-to-day classroom as needed. At this point, I think mostly what I have learned is putting names and details onto strategies that I have experimented with but not formally mastered.  Secondly, I have been intimated by having a peak at the amount and degree of different disorders and exceptionalities  that exist in the human...

Speech & Language Disorders


Student Assessment Surveys




Unpacking a Standard Sample
