Reflection & Review First of all, my biggest take away so far is the importance of adapting all the terminology and research we go over into a pragmatic an accessible manner. For instance, I think creating a poster on strategies for differentiation , accommodations , and modifications with a nice list of strategies for each in a visually appealing and quickly accessible format would be a great resource for my students as well as myself. In my own case, if there is a weakness I possess, it is not in comprehending the education strategies and concepts I learn, but in maintaining them in my long-term memory and being able to employ them in my day-to-day classroom as needed. At this point, I think mostly what I have learned is putting names and details onto strategies that I have experimented with but not formally mastered. Secondly, I have been intimated by having a peak at the amount and degree of different disorders and exceptionalities that exist in the human...